
Fort Clatsop

These past two days I have been on a field trip with my old 4th grade classroom {from student teaching}. They have been studying Oregon history and about Lewis and Clark so we went to Fort Clatsop. I forgot my camera at home, so no pictures of us… sorry. But I will tell you all about our fun activities!

The first stop on our trip was Fort Clatsop.

We had various rotations we went through as a group. First we learned about all of the uses for the cedar trees and we made some rope bracelets. Next we went to the museum and did a question scavenger hunt. Then we learned about blue and grey whales and debated about the beached whale that Lewis and Clark saw when they were there. After that we watched a movie about the Clatsop people and their experience with Lewis and Clark and their Discovery Corps. Lastly we went out to the replica fort of where the Discovery Corps stayed. We looked at the rooms, maps, gifts, and other things they had in the fort. Our guide, Tom also took us out and shot a rifle like the ones they would have had back then.

After that we went to Battery Russell. Which has nothing to do with Lewis and Clark, but we were in the area. Battery Russell was built in 1942 to protect the Oregon coast from Japanese attacks. Nothing ever happened, but it was a cool place to visit.

That night we stayed at an elementary school and the students did several activities. I was in the group that was in charge of helping students make small stuffed beavers. We had a lot of fun doing that. The students also got to make quill pens out of feathers and draw pictures with them. They did a few other “overnight” fun activities.


This morning we went to Seaside and walked along the beach to the “Salt Works”. This was a replica of the way that Lewis and Clark’s group would have taken the sea water and boiled it to make salt. 

Afterwards we headed to Cannon Beach where the kids just got to play for a while. We were really worried that we would be playing on the beach for two hours in the rain, but the weather was fabulous. Thank you Lord! Then we came home… such a fun trip. I had a great time with the students and their teacher. 

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